7th December, 2020
Now let me say early on I am no expert, like all of us we are figuring out a lot as we go and I understand that everyone’s situation is different. Everyone comes at remote work with their own experiences and many roles can’t work remotely even if they wanted to.
I think the start of COVID-19 pushed us into a “future” of work, that could have taken 5 years of digital transformation but was achieved in a matter of days/weeks. Why, because we HAD to. We had to react, we had to move quickly and we had to adapt.
More and more recently though I think we question the negative impact of “remote working” for a variety of reasons. Mental health of our people, productivity, trust, communication and collaboration. We have to stop to remember that HAVING to work from home is very different to remote working/flexible working or work from anywhere.
I wanted to pull out some thoughts as to why this is happening and try help to provide some context for consideration when we broad brush statements around remote work.
Blur of work life and personal life – Digital
Burn out
Screens, screens, screens
Same place and same space.
To extend on the above we have colleagues that perhaps are now working, relaxing and sleeping in the same room!
No “break” to the norm
Forced fun
Move, move, move
Have you got 5?
Sorry, sorry….No you go….
We are all feeling flat and burnt out
We need to remember some of the points above when looking towards the future of work inside “work from anywhere” and the impact on our people. I am not sure that companies who made a quick call to permanently close physical offices thought this fully through. Remote working/work for anywhere is about a blend of physical space, communication styles and work life balance. There isn’t a “one size fits all” for any company, any role or any individual so perhaps we should stop trying to force one?
For enquiries contact –
Hannah Smith
Group Marketing Manager